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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shoulder/back injury

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alrite last friday i went shoulder on shoulder with a buddy from moncton and my whole shoulder went numb. the next day we had a game and my back was killing me but i decided to still play. dumb choice on my part, lasted 10 minutes into the first. got smoked at center ice felt great, got a lil forecheck hit on my back and i was down for the count. anways do any of you guys/ladies know any way to get rid of the pain through stretches or like stuff you can buy over the counter at the drugstore. i did go to the doctor and all she said was the muscle was brusied underneath the shoulder blade and i could play when it felt better. i haven't missed a game in 2 seasons and i just missed my frist one last night i couldnt even handle being at the whole game and had to elave before the third period so anybody who can give me some thing i can do for the back will be considered a god to me thanks.... Oggy_3

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You can try this one:

Face a railing, grab it with both hands close together, and lean away from it, with your head down and then with your head straight.

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First of all,do not massage or put ointment yet.Ice is the safest bet and Advil.If you look on the internet for scapula injuries and stretches, you will find some.My son had this a month ago and it takes time to heal

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I don't know what king of doc you went to but for a shoulder injury you might want to have an MRI done. A doc really can't give an honest diagnosis just by checking range of motion and stuff like that. My son just finished up his senior season of football playing with a slightly torn labrum. He wore a special strap to protect it but was in some discomfort after some hits. Also you can see that it is a bit weaker in the weight room. He's about ready to sign with a college now and we told the recruiter about it so now we will have him checked again. the first time they told us the only choice was surgery to pin the tendon back to the bone.

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alrite last friday i went shoulder on shoulder with a buddy from moncton and my whole shoulder went numb. the next day we had a game and my back was killing me but i decided to still play. dumb choice on my part, lasted 10 minutes into the first. got smoked at center ice felt great, got a lil forecheck hit on my back and i was down for the count. anways do any of you guys/ladies know any way to get rid of the pain through stretches or like stuff you can buy over the counter at the drugstore. i did go to the doctor and all she said was the muscle was brusied underneath the shoulder blade and i could play when it felt better. i haven't missed a game in 2 seasons and i just missed my frist one last night i couldnt even handle being at the whole game and had to elave before the third period so anybody who can give me some thing i can do for the back will be considered a god to me thanks.... Oggy_3

If it went numb and your back hurts it may not be just a shoulder injury. It could be a neck/back injury or a impingement in the shoulder that is putting pressure on a nerve. If the pain stays get a orthopedic surgeon to look at it. There are alot of things that could have happened that a general physician may not catch. Right now the best thing to do is RICE therapy (rest, ice, compress, elevate) with advil or another anti-inflammatory/pain releaver. Let it heal up some before you start trying to stretch it to much.

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I don't mean to steal any of your light here, Oggy, but the same thing happened to me last night. Took a hard hit right to the shoulder. I had another game today and it sucked. Took another hit right on my shoulder and now I'm really in pain. No back pain here, though.

So far I've just been icing it and taking advil, should I use IcyHot at all?

And if it's necessary, is taking a shot to numb it a bad idea as long as nothing can be hurt any further?


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