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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ufc this weekend

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real excited to see this fight any of you gonna order it?

i got my boy tito winning in the 3-4 round. i just hope this lives up to the hype! :D

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Liddel with a knock out in the second round. Im more excited that Crocrop is coming to the UFC. Poor Tim Silvia, hes going to loose that belt he takes everywhere with him.

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I am looking foreword to seeing Tito get beat. I don't think he'll go more than three rounds. Also, I am looking foreword to Silvia getting smacked around. I'm still bitter about the Silvia / Arlovsky fight. My gramma is more aggressive than those clowns were.

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I think Liddell will win it. He certainly is better than an over the hill shamrock.

I tivoed the inside the UFC's, with both chuck and tito. Pretty cool, I think Ortiz is physically in better shape, but I just think Liddell is a better instinct fighter.

I am a matt hughes fan, so always rooted for him. I don't dislike either Liddell or Ortiz, although I was pulling for ortiz in the UFC reality show over shamrock.

I will watch it simply because it should be a good fight, and don't mind who wins.

I think Liddell will win it, Ortiz better not try to stand up with him though, don't get off the gameplan, thats what screwed hughes against St. Pierre, he tried to trade punches instead of going to the ground early and often.

Should be a good one, but liddell in the 3rd is what I am thinking

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Ibe ordered every UFC since 57, and im gunna continue I CANT WAIT ! supposedly CroCop is fighting at UFC 66.

Crocrop isnt fighting, I believe its just an anouncment of him coming from Pride to UFC

I am green with jealousy that Ortiz is dating Jenna Jameson, so I'm rooting for a brutal and bloody knockout by Liddell.

Jealous of what? :huh:

Hotdog down a hallway.

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I am green with jealousy that Ortiz is dating Jenna Jameson, so I'm rooting for a brutal and bloody knockout by Liddell.

Jealous of what? :huh:

Hotdog down a hallway.

Thats just ruined all images of her I had in my head! :angry:

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I am green with jealousy that Ortiz is dating Jenna Jameson, so I'm rooting for a brutal and bloody knockout by Liddell.

Jealous of what? :huh:

Hotdog down a hallway.

Oh, I wish I were an Oscar Mayer wiener...

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