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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ultra light grip

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it's been a while I havnt paid attention to hockey gear, so please bear with me on this one. Does anyone have the new red UL grip? i've lived through the orange and green ULs and was wondering if easton messed around with the construction or if its the same solid products its always been. btw, how does the grip compare?


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It's the same as the green Ultre Lite, but with a grip coating similar to the grip found synergy STs/SLs. It's a spray on grip, and is known to peel.

The stick is just as durable and performs just as well as the green ultra lite, but not as durable as the older ones with the exposed kevlar IMO.

the white one is the same as the green. no grip on it.

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I just bought this stick myself. Havn't used it as yet as it is the off season here, I'll get to use it in a few weeks perhaps. I fear but it maybe odd to play with as I bought a ST Synergy head (red and silver) which weighs a tonne and is actually making the whole setup slightly offr balance. Then again it might just me over analyzing things. The proof is in the pudding I guess.

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I'm a huge fan of Ulta Lights and I opted not to go with the grip model. Wayy too grippy in my opinion and based on the good feedback here, Easton "grips" in general aren't holding up. I'm going to stick with the tried and true (despite the colour changes) and stick with the base model and add some stick wax for grip from time to time.

Good luck.

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