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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ABS or Plastic blade for outdoors?

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I need a new stick this week for using outdoors. I have two options. A plastic type blade on the Nike Zytel/Bauer3300 (they are both the same) or an ABS blade on the Easton Ultra ABS. Which stick blade has better durablity? better feel? stiffer? and which stick is lighter?. I can't try these out as the store has to order the easton in and if they do then I have to buy it.

P.S. i have used the Nike Zytel, I was impressed with the durability, though it was heavy and the blade wasn't very stiff making it suck for slappers.



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They both dont have stiff blades, and your not going to find a ton of feel. Durability wise though, id go with the eastons for outdoors. Dont use wood for outdoors

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i use cheap wood blades outdoors.

i can't stand the weight, flexibility, and awful feel of ABS, i find the short life of a cheap wood blade to be a better compromise. not to mention ABS blades love to snap under the lightest stress.

or get a CCM blade, like a V40 or something. they have an abs-type core and composite coating. not as heavy as all-ABS, and the compostite gives it better stiffness.

i've got a CCM V50 stick, wood with the plastic/composite blade. it was like $30.

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I play outdoor atleast 2-3 times a week and what ive found lately is Montreal Wood blades work the best. Ive used mine in four straight games and its barely worn. If you compare that play time to an Easton blade it would have lost atleast two inches by now.

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CCM V40 RB or Rbk 3K/Koho 4440 blades are the best performing outdoor blades(that will also hold op).

For some reason the Rbk 3K RB is alot stiffer in Europe than in the US. The US ones I have are soft and off curve (p32), while the Euro's are completely different construction wise (made like the Koho 4440/CCM 6.0) and on curve with. I.E. my euro P32 3K is exactly like my P32 5K blade curve vise.

Hope it makes sense!

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the easton abs has been the best bang for the buck for me.

the vector for some reason didn't last as long as i'd have thought for 50% more cost over the easton. i'm trying the rbk/koho now, so far so good. but i really hate how all of the lies on the outdoor blades are 5.5 or more :(

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It's ok, play with it a couple of times and the lie and rocker will be custom tuned to your play.

I have the same problem with my easton wood blades that I use outdoor. I once got a forsberg with a lie of about 6.5-7.

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It's ok, play with it a couple of times and the lie and rocker will be custom tuned to your play.

I have the same problem with my easton wood blades that I use outdoor. I once got a forsberg with a lie of about 6.5-7.

where do you generally play? 2 of my ex team mates are living in astoria now, could probably get them to come down for some pickup.

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I actually live in Astoria too. I usually play at a rink in Whitestone, but there's some really good hockey at a rink in Astoria too. I can never go there because of work on saturdays. Both rinks have asphalt surfaces.

The rink in Whitestone is on the service road of the northbound Whitestone Expressway just past 20th avenue. We play wednesday and sunday nights starting at about 7:00- 7:30 pm. The lights stay on until about 9:30.

The rink in astoria has some of the best comp I've experienced, and I learned a lot about the game from the guys who play there. I hear they're starting up a men's league out of the rink too. It's located on 28th street between either 34th and 35th avenues or 35th and 36th avenues. They usually play saturdays, not sure what time they start anymore as I haven't gone in a while, but they should have everything going by about 12:00, and are usually there until at least 2 or 3 pm.

feel free to pm me if you need directions or any more details.

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Easton ABS blades are not much to be desired. They break real easy outdoors. Id go with an ABS from Titan/Jofa or Koho. They seem to be the best outdoor blade for the money. What type of surface outdoors? Smooth concrete, acryllic rink? On concrete I used ABS on acryllic rinks, or at least the coat is acryllic, I used wood.

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Easton ABS blades are not much to be desired. They break real easy outdoors. Id go with an ABS from Titan/Jofa or Koho. They seem to be the best outdoor blade for the money. What type of surface outdoors? Smooth concrete, acryllic rink? On concrete I used ABS on acryllic rinks, or at least the coat is acryllic, I used wood.

i use mostly jofa abs blades for street hockey, or anything outdoors. they are very durable and dont frey or chip around the abs part. if you can get any jofas, its allways ok to get closeout wood blades and just use them untill they are done

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I ended up buying a Bauer 3300 which I found out had an ABS blade from looking at it. I will see how it turns out. I tried to ask the shop girl some questions with the response being "all hockey sticks are the same and will work well on any surface" <_<

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