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How to format with windows XP?

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Hey, My friend needs to re-install Windows XP on his computer and needs to know how to clear his hard drive before installing it. We've tried searching but all the things that are listed are useless and are uncomprehensable. So can anyone tell me how to clear it?

Thanks in advance :D


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when you start the installation process for xp, there should be a part where it asks you if you want to format the hard drive before install. at least that's how i remember doing it on my old computer.

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It doesn;t say any of that. What i've seen when I serched is that at the setup in the begining when you start your computer, you need to change the order in BIOS but his computer doesn't say that. However in the description it says Boot sequence but we are unable to go there.

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If you can boot off of the cd you will be able to format the hard drive. On most computers you can hit F8 during the start up (right when you turn it on) to go to the boot sequence. Or if you can get to a command prompt in BIOS you fan type "format C:" If C is your hard drive letter. To change the boot order in bios you can access bios on most computers by hittine the delete key (middle between the letters and numbers) repeatedly.

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It doesn;t say any of that. What i've seen when I serched is that at the setup in the begining when you start your computer, you need to change the order in BIOS but his computer doesn't say that. However in the description it says Boot sequence but we are unable to go there.

you need to put the cd or dvd in the first position in the boot order. Once that happens 43% is correct. If you don;t know how to do that, find someone who does, even if you have to pay them.

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Go into the bios and change the boot order to CD-ROM (or DVD-ROM) first, then disk. Once you boot your computer, it will read the windows xp cd first and start installing it. Once in installation it will ask if you want to just repair the current or start fresh. Start fresh. It will ask if you want to quick format the harddrive, hit yes. Format it in the NTSF format (Fat32 format is old and slower).

That should work.

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Boot disk or CD. Set the BIOS to CD as #1, or disk (whichever u want to boot from). XP should have a format option when you go install. Otherwise the command at a prompt is format c:

Then boot from CD and install..

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