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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JS Aubin in the new 2007 Nike Bauer Supreme's

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It hasn't really been discussed much (which kinda surprises me) but JS Aubin has been sporting the upcoming 2007 BNH Supreme SE pads for about 2 months now. Look like they're going to be a really nice knock off of the Vaughn Velocity pads.



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It's not so much that they "look" like a velo as they are designed like one. Mostly in the leg channel and landing gear but the similarities are numerous.

And I'm not saying that like it's a bad thing either... I love the Velocity pads. I wish more companies would make their pads perform as well as the Vaughns. I was/am really impressed with the new Bauer/Nike Supreme pad. Hats off to BNH for doing a whole lot of things right this season...

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from the pics at the Toronto show, those are not the new Supremes, the new supremes are flat faced all the way, no vertical rolls.

Actually they are the new Supremes. There were two versions on display at the Hockey Show



and these...


The Bauer rep mentioned they had one model designed specifically for butterfly goalies (pic #2) and one model for hybrid goalies (pic #1) being introduced this year.

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