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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior protective

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i was reading usa hockey mag and i saw an ad for the 07 dolomite stick(blue paint job) and another one for some sort of protective gear called kronik. Has anyone else heard about these?

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i heard about the ad too.

did the ad say something about 'spyne' technology? that's what i heard, and it sounds like a relabeled Inno Novius

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the kronick or however they are spelling it is the new top dog stick. the spyne or spine technology is actually part of the blade grooved out on the backhand side. so imagine the vapor xxx's...the ridges provide the structure to the boot, same thing on the backhand of the new blade.

they are color coding all of the sticks this year, blue being grip.

also, there is the nipple grip...which is going to drive all of the parents wild.

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i heard about the ad too.

did the ad say something about 'spyne' technology? that's what i heard, and it sounds like a relabeled Inno Novius

the spyne in referencing the blade nothing mentioned about the shaft

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