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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
JR Boucicaut

2007 Mission Catalogue

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The Giant has Fuel($200), V-Hex ($180), and Toxic 12k ($90) up for sale... Nice to see the Fuel is a bit lower than projected prices. I got a chance to manhandle the Fuel and V-Hex a few weeks back at a proshop that had like some preview versions of the sticks and it honestly felt like the V-Hex was actually lighter... Both had nice balance though... I just wish they made a mid curve with a neutral face. Hell... ANY curve with a neutral face!

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I was very excited about the Mission tapered V-Hex blade until I saw the price...wow over $64 USD :o. No thanks...gonna have to rethink my tapered blade strategy for the 2007 season.

Edited by KnightII

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I was very excited about the Mission tapered V-Hex blade until I saw the price...wow over $64 USD :o. No thanks...gonna have to rethink my tapered blade strategy for the 2007 season.

Any idea of V-Hex shaft price? (just by itself)

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