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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Lingo

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Recently I had my skates sharpened and the guy asked me if the last time I skated my skates felt "messed up"

He said he took a minute before sharpening to "level" the skate, becuase it was off a lot. I assume that means that the blade was not sitting level, but not sure. At any rate, once fixed the skates feel much better...

What does "leveling" mean? and can my blade be knocked out of whack in a game?

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I am guessing that he was talking about the blade and that it had been sharpened in such a way that it was not square to the steel (i.e., whomever sharpened it did so with it slightly at an angle).

Just a guess, of course. Leveling in this case would likely mean something like cross grinding then sharpening so it was square again.

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(excuse my crude diagram)

Imagine this the bottom of your blade...There is a tool that sits on the blade with a magnet and has a level line on it to show if the edges are even. You can check for your self (without quite the same accuracy) with a penny.

I assume this is what he was talking about.

[EDIT] Ogie beat me ....but he didn't have a diagram :P

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(excuse my crude diagram)

Imagine this the bottom of your blade...There is a tool that sits on the blade with a magnet and has a level line on it to show if the edges are even. You can check for your self (without quite the same accuracy) with a penny.

I assume this is what he was talking about.

[EDIT] Ogie beat me ....but he didn't have a diagram :P

Your diagram was quite impressive though (picture=1000 words after all).

The term is "square." But yeah, what he meant was to make sure both edges were equal.

HEY! I used the word SQAURE in my post! I didn't have the nifty diagram, though, can I at least get 1/2 credit? :P

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Professionals who know how to sharpen skates well are worth their weight in gold.

Hacks who know jack squat on sharpening should take an Al MacInnis slapper to the coin purse.

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There is a tool that sits on the blade with a magnet and has a level line on it to show if the edges are even.

oh this brought back a fond memory. Wally Tatomir, the Canes head equipment guy holds a patent on one such device 'quick square' or something like that.

he took my skates, looks at them, reaches into his pocket and says all excitedly, "SEE THIS! I INVENTED THIS! ohhhhhhh, your skates are allll messed up."

maybe you had to be there.... wally can make anything funny with his accent.

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Professionals who know how to sharpen skates well are worth their weight in gold.

Hacks who know jack squat on sharpening should take an Al MacInnis slapper to the coin purse.

In some cases, that's a lot of gold.

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There is a tool that sits on the blade with a magnet and has a level line on it to show if the edges are even.

oh this brought back a fond memory. Wally Tatomir, the Canes head equipment guy holds a patent on one such device 'quick square' or something like that.

he took my skates, looks at them, reaches into his pocket and says all excitedly, "SEE THIS! I INVENTED THIS! ohhhhhhh, your skates are allll messed up."

maybe you had to be there.... wally can make anything funny with his accent.

He developed Maximum Edge with Bob Allen.

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