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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Batting Donut Equivolent?

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Alright guys, so I was looking around on some random site the other day and they mentioned making a penny stick which was basically a warm-up stick with a bunch of pennies wrapped under the tape to add weight. The method of thought behind this is that the extra weight at the end of the stick would get you used to a heavier stick a la batting donuts in baseball. And while this may not sound like much weight, if you think about the physics behind a fulcrum, it should add a fair amount of resistence.

However, seeing as to how carrying an extra stick designed just for that would be a pretty big hassle, I'm looking for another alternative. I was thinking possibly rigging up a 2.5 lb (~1 kg) weight to an old hockey lace and somehow tying that to my stick just before game time as I warm up my hands a little bit. Is this a bad idea? Or do you guys have any better ideas as to how I might go about doing this?

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I forgot to clarify. I'm trying to do this as cheaply as possible because I'm a miserly bastard. And if I already have the weight and hockey skate lace, I'd prefer to use that as opposed to spending $25 on a weight.

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You could just get an old ankle/wrist weight for cheap, strap it around your stick near the blade and give it a couple quick wraps of sock tape to help hold it in place.

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i once put sand in an aluminum shaft to give it weight to practice with. it was an ok idea, but i eventually toook all the sand out.

i got my stick weights at a peter dale camp for like under $10 im pretty sure.

u may want to try the sand idea

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tape some old hardware you find in the garage?

I've taped about 10 quarters to the end of the stick, and use that as a practice stick at home in front of the tv... man do my arms get tired quick...

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