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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Computer Speakers

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I thought computer speakers were a plug and play type of deal. I just had my PC cleaned. I plug in the speakers and nothing happens. Yes, they are plugged in. And the power button is on. Under my audio devices in the control panel it says there are no devices. Wondering how to solve this.


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Since I'm computer retarded, how do I do that, or can I?

Do you have the CD that came with your Sound card? Or if you have an onboard card...do you have the disc that came with your computer.

The drivers should be on there.

It should autorun, and ask what device/function you are trying to install/update.

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Thanks for the tip RadioGaGa, I've been listening to the occasional beep from my tower for about 6 months now because I'm too lazy to figure out how to do it. :D

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sorry, motherboard. Some sound cards come already on the motherboard instead of as a standalone product plugged in later.

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