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Bertuzzi charged with assault

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I was charged for assult last summer because I gave a kid a wedgie, like on the beer commercail when one guy helps these two guys look for a ring in the grass and he bends over then the two guys wedgie him.

I tried that and the kid called the cops and everything. I think it's pretty lame if you ask me.

Just thoguht I would share that story with you guys... :unsure:

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They had no choice after they charged McSorely, they had to charge Bert as well. Considering the results of his actions were far worse than Marty's the punishment should be far more severe.

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I don't really know how I feel about it, but I think the league's stance is pretty interesting. They seem adement on telling the authorities to keep their punishment on Todd in mind.

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People make mistakes in life. They shouldn't pay for the rest of their lives because of it. Now if it happends twice, that's a different story.

Didn't he have a cople of major incidents off-ice in junior and on the island?

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You are responsible for your actions, whether in a game or on the street. An arguement on the ice produces a fight, but when you go to excess you have to have some greater power to keep everything in check. A fight in a bar may be broken up and you get kicked out. However, if it goes further, you suffer the consequences.

I just wonder what will happen with Perezhogin (spelled right? The guy from the Hamilton Bulldogs).

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I agree with Theo, it also lets other people realize that if they punish Bert like this, they will be punished too, if they happen to go that far.

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I just wonder what will happen with Perezhogin (spelled right? The guy from the Hamilton Bulldogs).

I was reading on the Habs site (I can't find the article now) that they are trying to decide what to do with him next year. The NHL hasn't said 100% that they will honour the AHL suspension. He could very well end up on the Habs roster. I think he is currently playing in Europe somewhere to stay in shape. I think that would be an option as well...

I suppose that the Bertuzzi decision will affect what happens in this case. No word from Hamilton Cops yet.

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I don't know...I believe the league should be responsible for dealing with incidents without intervention from outside authorities. All of a sudden, these days the police and court system are becoming the unofficial disciplinary board of the NHL. Just another thing that is cheapening an already fragile sport. I'm not saying that what Bertuzzi did was acceptable but I mean it was during an NHL sanctioned contest and he was reprimanded by the league.

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...All of a sudden, these days the police and court system are becoming the unofficial disciplinary board of the NHL...

You're talking about two isolated events years apart. That's not anywhere near an accurate statement to make given the facts.

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No surprise that Bert was charged. I sorta agree that official authorities have an obligation to get involved. Just because you are playing in a hockey game doesnt make you immune from the laws of the country. By playing sports there is already a blurring of the line but there is an expectation of how much over the line one should be prepared to deal with, and I think Bertuzzi went over the line with what he did. That being said, I stand firm with my previous assertions that Bertuzzis actions are arguably no worse than a lot of other stuff that happens in the game, although the result was, well, what it was. So obviously now, Bettmans assurances that the NHL can police itself holds very little water. Another bad injury can happen more easily than they think. I also read a good article on ESPN.com about the history of violence in the NHL. The NHLs track record for policing itself is not cutting it because at face value, it doesnt seem to be discouraging future acts.

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NOw for my commentary on Bertuzzis situation now. I dont think hes going to get a significant sentence, if the case goes to trial at all. Probably just a fine or fine plus community service, no criminal record.

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I think that situationally, in the heat of the moment, nothing will really discourage an individual from engaging in questionable actions during a hockey game. Hockey is a fast-paced full contact sport and of course there are going to be incidents of violence from time to time. But checking, fighting, physical intimidation and domination are part of the game. It is generally a violent sport (at the pro level).

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The incident itself happens alot in hockey, I'v seen thigns in hockey that were worse then what Bert did, the only difference is that it just so happend that the victim had a seriouse injury. I think everything thats happening is being based on the resaults and not the incident.

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I was watching PTI today and one of the guys on their had a pretty good point. He said that hockey players live by their own laws that they understand and its up to them to enforce them. He said that when the law gets involved, they are unable to understand how hockey players govern themselves, and that this is a terrible thing. I didn't exactly word it right, but he made some really good points, saying how it was all politics.

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All I have to say is I think Gary Bettman is really screwing up this league. I have a feeling he was pushing that the cops get involved. I wish he would jsut leave the NHL alone, the man never even played hockey. Oh and BTW I doubt that Moore will sue Bert. I think like kosy mentioned hockey players have their own "law" of sort, and we will see what happens.

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What happened in this case had nothing to do with hockey or its rules. It was entirely about trying to hurt someone. The police set a precedent when they charged McSorely for whacking Brashear, they have to follow through in this case. If the criminal penalty is any less severe for Bert, it's a travashamockey.

To say this happens in hockey all of the time is bullshit. Bert publicly talked about wanting to get Moore. When they played in Colorado, nothing happened and he talked more about getting Moore. They get to Vancouver and are getting blown out, he jumped Moore and hit him from behind. If Moore died, would that just be hockey too? Would it be OK to press charges then or should he have known that a guy can end his life just because he didn't like something he did on the ice? Something that was not penalized, nor was he suspended after a league review.

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Well my question is what are the odds that he'll even go to trial, and if he does, will he even get any sort of a worth while punishment?

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Well my question is what are the odds that he'll even go to trial, and if he does, will he even get any sort of a worth while punishment?

I would be shocked if the results aren't similar to the McSorely incident. I think this was worse than that one due to the 10 days or so talking about getting even with Moore. Despite the fact it was a clean, legal hit on Naslund.

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Where's the line between drawn?

When is it "hockey violence" and "street violence"?

I have mixed feelings on the situation, but feel the police have no place for on ice actions. Off ice I can see, but on ice is a differen't story and situation.

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