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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reinforcing a slight crack on a comp blade

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I have a TPS R2 comp in my shaft and about a month ago it got stepped on. I was instantly aware that it got cracked somehow but I never bothered to check how bad it was. So I've been using it like crazy at shinny/pick up and ball hockey in hopes that it would finish breaking. But after many games on rough/pond hockey ice it is still holding up like new. I finally removed the tape after a month, I never did before because I figured this thing is going to give out anyday. But it looks pretty good the only crack visible is on the back of the blade slighty on the outer shell. I know there are some heavy duty tapes out there for construction/repair purposes. Can anyone recomend some type of tape that would really reinforce this blade so that I can get the most out of this blade.


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Maybe a strip of duct tape over that portion of the blade? Make sure to get the front and back to keep it holding tight.

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do you use the epoxy to cover up the crack or do you add a whole layer along the bottom of the blade? After the layer of epoxy dries up, is it supposed to be rock hard? I added a layer along the bottom of my blade and the epoxy is still a little soft.

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don't put a lot on it at once. Thin layers at a time if you're coating the entire bottom.

I only use it to address cracks or chips, works well on blades and shafts...

It's supposed to dry up very hard, think of a stronger version of superglue that takes longer to set. Don't use soo much, I think what happens when you put a lot on there is that the outside sets but the inside is left unset and it just becomes soft and kinda sticky.

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epoxy... let it dry, then retape

i used to tape up part of my blade with 3M anti-slip tape, the stuff you can line the floor with to prevent slipping. 3M products are real good stuff, and the tape is super durable. Only problem was that its a little like sandpaper, and you can give someone a pretty nasty abrasion if you tried. but using it for 2 years, and no ones complained yet.

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I use epoxy to line the bottom of my blades and it works well but this is a vertical crack from the middle of the back of the blade to the top. Epoxy will seal the crack but not strenghten and provide extra force on the blade. I think the duct tape will work best.

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Along the lines of the epoxy, which kind of it would likely do the best job. Just fiberglass epoxy, or does it really matter?

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I use epoxy to line the bottom of my blades and it works well but this is a vertical crack from the middle of the back of the blade to the top. Epoxy will seal the crack but not strenghten and provide extra force on the blade. I think the duct tape will work best.

You're going to want to fill in the crack, that's why you use epoxy. Filling in the crack will not strenghten the blade but it will all but eliminate the weak spot where the crack is.

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That sounds like a good idea. Where is fibreglass sheeting available and how much is it? I mean obviously I don't want to spend a fortune.

I just use regular epoxy glue. It's in a 2 in 1 syringe. Half is the hardner and half is resin. You have to mix equal amounts and then apply. The brand is Lepage, it dries in 5min.

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Hardware stores and some automotive shops will sell fiberglass repair kits. Not sure what the price on it would be though, as I've never actually bought the stuff, but borrowed from friends.

I've also made a patch with tape and epoxy (cracked shinguard) that seems to be holding up pretty well.

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