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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I take back anything bad I've said about NikeBauer's Inline Gear

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Neon colors.. now what company .. roller company I think had those bright ass yellow gloves... its right on the tip of my tongue.

Anyway I remember a guy working in a hockey shop trying to sell me them because they were for the "in your face type player" I was like 12 and I laughed right at him.

If by "in your face" he means emo.

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The all yellow gloves were Bilt-Rite Gloves....I actually was lucky enough to have the first pair...I wasn't working at Mission at the time, but I had a pair of custom ones made....Next thing I knew, it was in their line...That is when I proceeded to ask for a job...lol

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The skates are an SMU, hockeygiant uses color stuff all the time whether it was the original Green, Yellow and Orange Jofa gloves, current TPS styles of similar colors...or now with NBH and an SMU 40-70...the NBH standard 40-70 is also on the site...

if they weren't confident it would sell, they wouldn't create it...

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The all yellow gloves were Bilt-Rite Gloves....I actually was lucky enough to have the first pair...I wasn't working at Mission at the time, but I had a pair of custom ones made....Next thing I knew, it was in their line...That is when I proceeded to ask for a job...lol

O yes Bilt Rite, now I remember. thanks for the refresh.

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