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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior stick question

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I have the chance to get a warrior 85 flex dolomite in fedorov or an AK27 in 85 flex as well with a fedorov blade. I currently use an 85 flex forsberg SYNERGY II and am not sure which stick to get. What would you guys choose and why.

P.S. I love my SYN II just want to try something new

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If you like your Synergy II for it's low kickpoint / tapered shaft (which is quite possible), get the Dolomite. AK27 is a standard.

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Unless your hard on sticks get the dolomite.

+it can be converted to a tapershaft blade combo easily, so you can interchange it with your taper products if something breaks.

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if you havent gotten your stick yet, the AK27 has just as good of feel as any ops or tapered shaft ive used. shots are perfectly fine with the shaft and no torqing

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After my last z-bubble broke I went with the AK27, it's a tank!

I've got a couple dolomites on order. I want to go all tapered.

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