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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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throwing glove on a breakaway/penalty shot

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NHL rules don't specifically state anything about an attacking player throwing items, though there are clearly defined rules about defending players throwing sticks/gear etc.

i'm sure you could be issued an unsportsmanlike conduct if the ref felt like it.

NHL Rule 53.1 - A player, including the goalkeeper, shall not throw a stick or any other object in any zone.

NHL rules wouldn't really apply to any of us.

I assume USA Hockey has a similar rule.

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i think this move is stupid. a kid on my team did in in midget AA tryouts a year ago and he still got stuffed, plus he looked the biggest douche in the world. don't do it, there are plenty of moves out there that are good, this is not one of them.

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Rent "Planes, Trains & Automobiles" and you'll understand why. Well, you probably won't but at least you'll have seen a good movie.

between 2 pillows?

"Was that seat hot or what? I feel like a Whopper. Turn me over, I'm done and ready. I'm afraid to look at my ass. There'll be grill marks."

edit*... I had to

Del Griffith on Myspace

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Yea I wasn't really planning on doing it in a game, maybe a practice for lauphs and giggles. I saw it in the skinner video and was just wondering if it was a penalty.

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