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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what is this shield?

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Two separate items. A standard visor, along with a butchered Itech full shield. He's probably recovering from a jaw injury.

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Yeah, it's pointless to have a jaw injury and have a cage that directly touches the jaw...so if he gets hit up high, all the impact goes on it. :rolleyes:

Think about it...

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It's pointless not to wear a full mask in his case..what's the point of looking like an even bigger dbag?

d'oh! JR beat me to it.

no way... if he gets plugged, his chin would be nestled right in the chincup of the cage. That'd would probably do significant damage to any sort of jaw injury.

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Anybody remember the jaw protector worn by Pat Lafontaine when he broke his jaw a bunch of years ago (he was still with the Sabers)? It looked like a giant piece of plastic, and I recall the announcers referring to it as looking like a motorcycle helmet.

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