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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2Way Player

Bauer one90 Pro stock

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Genius , These are PRO STOCK

What Marc_9 is trying to say is the pros who prefer using bauer supreme 8000s or 8090s are having their skates dressed up or modified to look like One90s by NBH, in order for the 0ne90 to gain popularity in retail. Plus they are discontinuing the older supremes. Those skates in your avatar aren't actually One90s, they just have the badge.

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I know that these skates are only available to the NHL , ...

Why can't we order these I think these would retail very good because almost everybody like's old school skates !!! (Not everybody , but most of hockey players)


i mailed jason of EWH about 2 or 3 times about some pics (im talking about high resolution and bigger ones) of those neat looking custom 8090s dressed up as ONE90s.

he said he would send them to me via email but he never did.

i sent a mail to EWH and wanted to PM him here but i noticed that he was banned - dont know why but thats not my cup of tea.

if anyone else has better pics (and not pics from getty showing pros wearing them) - post them!

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I know that these skates are only available to the NHL , ...

Why can't we order these I think these would retail very good because almost everybody like's old school skates !!! (Not everybody , but most of hockey players)


i mailed jason of EWH about 2 or 3 times about some pics (im talking about high resolution and bigger ones) of those neat looking custom 8090s dressed up as ONE90s.

he said he would send them to me via email but he never did.

i sent a mail to EWH and wanted to PM him here but i noticed that he was banned - dont know why but thats not my cup of tea.

if anyone else has better pics (and not pics from getty showing pros wearing them) - post them!

Just nit-picking becuase.... Why not?

They aren't custom 8090's.

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I saw several Canes players wearing these type of skates last night. I would say that Bauer makes them for players who prefer the traditional Supreme boot without all that new-fangled technology. :) Since there is no retail version they make them look at least similar to the current Supreme line available to the public. Of course this is just my guess.

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Just like what was said, I spoke to Jason about those skates because I too loved the look of them (understated) and they are only available to professional players.

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