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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Car Window Tinting Prices

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How much do you think the cost would be? I would only have the front door windows done to match the back. The car is a 1999 Dodge Durango SLT. Thanks

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easiest thing would be to call a tint place.

each will vary, just call them and ask, they have a big book that tells them how much to charge.

winter is a good time to get tint, most places are hurting for business and have discounts.

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I believe if you can't see the outline of your body it is and you will only get a ticket.

every state varies


here in CA you can't have any tint on the front or front side windows, but it's legal to paint the back window totally black.

cops don't really care in my town though. some of them realize when it gets up to 114F in summer we need all the help we can get.

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tell me about it.

my friend got pulled over for tints... the cop just lookedat the car and told him to pull over. they've got a gadget to read how much light they filter.

You can usually get a local shop to give you a reciept for "removal of window tints". Same goes for "removal of noisy/racing mufflers", etc. Usually, if you bring in a reciept like this, they'll drop the ticket if it's your first.

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