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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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pads: custom 11" 36+1 itech 11.8

gloves: custom vortek vk7: catcher; pro palm, beefed up cuff. blocker; stock, might have it switched to koho finger protection

mask: hackva

skates: ccm pro tacks with 27' radius & forward lean

pants: simmons

c/a; just sold my simmons 991, in the market for a vaughn 5500 or brown 2200


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Mask: Itech 4600

C/A: Itech... Something

Pants: Once again... Itech something

Pads: Eagle Infinity

Trapper: Nike Bauer Vapor XXX Pro

Blocker: RBK Premier

Skates: Nike Bauer XXX

Sticks: RBK X-Pulse Brodeur Style

This summer my C/A, Pads, and Blocker are either going NBH one95, RBK Xpulse... or god knows what. Those are basically all I have looked at.

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Holy Christmas. I've never gotten a chance to see many of these pads.

How are these RX-9s working for you? I heard their stiff.

They are hella flexy, the thighrise is like a hinge, and it only bends at the break.

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Do your gloves match. Color at least?

Now. I don't know if i should start a new topic for this but, who do you think out of all these 13 pages, has the BEST LOOKING gear?

I'm gonna give my reward to colaccord with the X-factors and the Vortek Logics in the black white silver color scheme. Very nice.

(Page 12)

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Holy Christmas. I've never gotten a chance to see many of these pads.

How are these RX-9s working for you? I heard their stiff.

Not stiff at all. I get to try them tomorrow. I got the soft flex which is really, well, soft :P

I dunno if it's just the picture, but those pads look as straight/flat as a board.

They are pretty flat

not super stiff at all. the pair i tried on was pretty flexible. love itechs new design as well.. really sharp

Agreed, i love the design

Do your gloves match. Color at least?

I have a Nike Bauer XXX Pro Glove in White/Black/Silver and a RBK Premier Blocker in White/Blue/Black, so somewhat close

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Ah, another mix-and-match guy.

I think just about all of my gear is from different companies at this point.

Well when I went to get my first set of gear, nothing of an entire set fit me right so I mixed and matched. Hey, whatever works best for ya :D

I mean look at Voukon- RBK Leg Pads and Blocker, Eagle Glove, Nike Bauer Stick :P

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Soon I'll have a Brian's jock to go with my A-Maxx blocker. Same company, and a slant-rhyme! :)

The scary thing is, despite being from all over the place, all of my gear is colour-matched now - hell, even my neckguard, wheel-bag and soon-to-be jock match. And eerily, my new skates match too.

I should marshall it all and throw a pic up soon.

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