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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Meh :p

I look forward to marking them up :)

Haha, I know Brian, Sean and Father McDonald tried to mark them up, but those pucks kept hitting the back of the net instead of the pads tonight!

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Modded the spine and elbows of my c/a. Mobility and comfort are noticeably better, which is saying a lot considering how comfy it was to begin with.





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Here's my latest setup...all One100 Bauer gear with a Warwick lid and Maltese combo and interior padding



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love the mask!!

Thanks man, paint was laid down by Doug Wager at Wzlhed. I use him for all my masks (four cubberly's and two warwicks, I know, I'm a bit of a mask whore, haha)...he really does top notch work.

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That is one small C/A!!! Great for mobility though

He actually just picked up a vaughn from someone locally that was upgrading. Not sure what size the one in the pics is compared to the one he just got though.

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Only been playing goalie for a month, and I have a set of Brian's H series in the mail.


3 Gloves (P3, P1, 9k)

2 Blockers (P3. 9K)

3 Pads (P3, Revoke PZ, 9K)

1 Kitty

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My "McFocus" pads. Focus pads modified by our very own Mike McDonald. Offset toes, laced the calf wrap in (velcro wouldn't hold) and y-straps. Work looks like it came right out of the factory. I put the tape on myself, but it's not really needed, everything is like triple stitched.





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Put skate laces on my glove. Made the pocket deeper and softer. First time modding my goalie gear. Not too shabby I say.

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Nice work. Did you use Jeff's video?

Not sure, I watched a video from gsbb a couple of weeks ago and just winged it from what I could remember and removing the old lacing.

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