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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hey peeps.. i was reading all those topics abt the best stick and how a really pro guy could out stickhandle anyone with a $10 stick... and it made me wonder a bit... cos i have the warrior macdaddy and the stealth cnt, i was considering buying a really low end warrior ops like the royale in hopes that playing with a crappy stick would improve my overall skill, and when i switch out to a high end stick for games i'll see a difference?

makes sense? no?

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Not really. You are better off practicing and just getting better in general. Most OPS don't have great feel anyways and you may even see better results switching to a wood blade or even full wood stick. If you're only goal is to improve stickhandling, don't leave it to a theory, actually go out and practice.

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haha yea i practise it all the time and i don't mean juz stickhandling, i meant in general. plus i figured a crappy ops would mean less responsiveness and much heavier to what i'm used to, which means i'll have to put in much more effort when i play, wouldn't that be good?

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This is a lot like golfers who buy an old set of blades to practice with thinking you will play your game improvement irons better - in a wierd way it has some reason to it. Authenticity, however, is a very important factor in translating practice time into game-time performance, so I have found it is better to practice all sports with the actual equipment I will be using in the game.

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The pro w/ a crappy stick example isn't suggesting that practicing with poor equipment will make you better. It's simply saying that ability is based upon technique and experience, not how much cash you have invested into your gear bag.

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This is a lot like golfers who buy an old set of blades to practice with thinking you will play your game improvement irons better - in a wierd way it has some reason to it. Authenticity, however, is a very important factor in translating practice time into game-time performance, so I have found it is better to practice all sports with the actual equipment I will be using in the game.

The only problem with this theory at least in golf is most players understand the design of a blade and that it is hard to hit and often make smoother better swings because they are forced to hit a sweetspot the size of a pin head opposed to a dime. In hockey if you practiced with a toe curve which has a smaller sweetspot and then went to a heel curve which is more forgiving I could see it maybe working but then you would need to almost have 2 identical sticks with similar depth curves lies/lengths just with one being a heel and one being a toe.

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nah that wouldn't make sense.. once u screw with the blade, it tends to screw up your game, i was thinking of getting the same curve as my macdaddy but juz in a much heavier less responsive stick like the royale

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The quickest way to really start stickhandling well is to take the exact stick that you are currently using and adding a stick weight on the end near the blade. Practice a couple minutes each day with this. When you take it off you'll stick handle like lightning.

Trust me on this.

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haha off ice i stick handle a golf ball with my ak27 with an easton z abs blade its like 1.5 times the weight of my ops..

was thinking of using a heavy ops for on ice training...

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haha off ice i stick handle a golf ball with my ak27 with an easton z abs blade its like 1.5 times the weight of my ops..

was thinking of using a heavy ops for on ice training...

I like the golf ball idea for really speeding up the stick handling off ice. I found over the years, a really aggressive dog (one unafraid of a stick in the puss)and a tennis ball was the ultimate challenge and really helped me alot.

I like the added weight too. I've never tried it, but I believe it has some merit. What do you have to lose?

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if you use the same pattern in a heavier stick it will help with some of the strength in your wrists and possibly improve your stickhandling in that way. The overall techniques used for handling, shooting, passing, etc. are the real keys, but adding weight will help build reflex speed and some strength since you are having to work harder to perform at the same level with a lesser/heavier piece of equipment. I've also done the penny wrap sticks to have a heavy stick to handle with in the same pattern I use to play. It helps some, but it's still about technique in the end.

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