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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Broken Stick Insurance Claim

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Alright, so here's the deal. I sold a CNT Stealth (in almost new condition) on eBay about a month ago. I had purchased this stick from someone off MSH but found it was a little stiff for me. I bought $100 CDN worth of insurance on the package (the stick actually sold for more than that, but I didn't have the extra $2 or so on me that would've covered the entire cost). A week or so after sending it, the buyer sent me a picture of what he received:


Anyways, I reversed the Paypal transaction and gave the buyer his money back. I figured that I could recover most of my losses through the $100 worth of insurance I did purchase. :rolleyes: I put in a claim with CP and they requested that I send them my shipping receipt and proof of the item's value. I sent them the receipt as well as a printout of my eBay auction showing how much the stick had sold for (obviously I don't have the original receipt for the stick because I bought it used). That brings us to today, when I got a letter saying that they weren't going to cough up the dough because there still wasn't proof of the sticks value.

So i'm not too happy about this situation, but I think that I definitely have a right to this money. Does anyone have any advice or ideas about what I can do from here, or am I shit out of luck?

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Instead of "We Apologize" that should say "Screw You".

What the hell is the point of insuring the package if they might dispute the value after the fact.

I'd say keep making phone calls. Ask to see a Manager...and then that Managers boss...keep going until someone listens.

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Couldn't you just get a receipt for one from somewhere? I would imagine it doesn't even have to be the same model stick since thy probably won't pay that much attention to it.

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Update: Today I got another letter from CP, dated Jan 15. The letter that denied my request was dated Jan 12. Strangely enough, this one approved my claim and included a cheque. The weird thing is that I didn't contact CP in those 3 days, so I guess they had a change of heart. I'm not complaining though.

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