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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Full Right

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Have any of you guys tried on Full Right equipment? I figured not (but still maybe), because when you start out playing goal they dont make full right little kid stuff. But as I shoot right handed, I was wondering if I should consider switching and I'm really, really pathetic at shooting left. But I saw the handedness thread, which says your dominate hand should be on top. I'm righthanded, so I guess according to that thread I should shoot lefthanded. But I learned to shoot righty because my neighbor's sticks that we used for street hockey were right handed.

any opinions?

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Our goalie is a south paw. He originally started off left, but stuck with south paw when he tried his goalie coach's blocker and catcher out as a 10 yr old and never looked back. I have worn his kit a few times and I have to say it is a great deal easier catching with my stronger hand and flailing the stick about with my sweeping hand.

In case you didn't figure out Im a righty player and flailing is the best way to describe me when in net. lol.

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I have been a Full right goalie for my whole career. There are alot of companies that do make full right junior stuff you just have to search for it. That is the biggest pain about being a full right usually stores don't stock these items and reps don't have demo's or show stock in full right, so you have to make a decision on what feels best by putting it on the opposite hands.

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The thing is I have to get a new set of gloves and stick(s). anybody willing to buy mine if i dont like it?

find a used pair for cheap, like pieces of shit, then if you like buy a new pair

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Well I Shoot Right Handed and I can switch between Full Right And Regular I Just Got The New RBK Premier II's In Full Right And Switching From Left To Right Might Not Mess You up you just got to pratice what you do on the oppisite side of you im a butterfly goalie and when i try to catch in the right hand i just think about is the glove nothing else and you might want to practice your arm motion in the glove to with the speed of the hand and all that stuff

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