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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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why are the tps messier & nash curves both listed as deep?

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deep mid for mess & deep mid-toe for nash. both of them have nearly no curve at all. & now i've bought both sight unseen.

its very odd.

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deep mid for mess & deep mid-toe for nash. both of them have nearly no curve at all. & now i've bought both sight unseen.

its very odd.

No curve at all? Not everyone needs a banana blade.

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No curve at all? Not everyone needs a banana blade.

of course not everyone needs a banana blade. but i figure if it says 'deep' it's gotta be atleast half inch.

it has some curve, it'd call it slight, def not deep.



the nash is even less.

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the nash is bigger than that curve in the pic. I can't think of the messier curve right now but I do believe it's a bigger curve too.

The blades are probably wood and we all know how retail curve consistency is in wood blades.

Take a picture of the nash curve and give us the specs, I'm sure you can find someone to buy one if not both from you.

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that looks like less of a curve than my forsberg i have had a messier before and it had a lot more curve than that

also on the PATTERN DB it says its a mid, deep curve 1/2" and short blade. That blade from the picture looks pretty long and it actuallly looks exactly like a forsberg/modano/hossa

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the one in the pic is a composite. the nash blades i have (i got 2 off a member here) are wood cause i wanted something for a tapered shaft i have no use for, figured i'd just use it for outdoors if i could get a cheapish blade. but i can't handle not having a curve.

anyway. my point is, they're def not 'deep', right?

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not deep at all (if u didnt already read the update)

forsberg is a Mid-Heel Slight 3/8" Slightly Open

that and my forsberg look identical

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not deep at all (if u didnt already read the update)

forsberg is a Mid-Heel Slight 3/8" Slightly Open

that and my forsberg look identical

i can't exactly complain to hockeymonkey for listing it deep though i guess.

the nash woodies i have are pretty much the same, but the curve is more towards the toe, still not much at all though :-/

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how far is ur lhs from u? thats why i dont buy stuff online and because i have 2 lhs one is actually at the rink that i play at so thats a good thing because for example if i broke 2 sticks i could run up real quick and get a wood stick to finis the game.

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You could always heat n bend the woodies. Make 'em mirror the kovy lol

I just started using a tapered combo outdoors with a wood blade (Mission Pro L-2 cut for tapered + mission ether wood blade) and I'm liking it.

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That doesn't look like the messier retail curve. You sure it's not a pro stock blade?

What Messier is RH? Pro stock would say P11

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I believe the term deep refers to the depth of the curve from the center line, not the amount of curve in inches. A deep curve actually recesses into the oposite side wheras a shallow curve just curves away from center line.

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I wasn't thinking when I said that Chadd.

You may be on to something mreeves. I've never had confirmation of that, but that is what I thought depth was. Can anyone elaborate on that?

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I did see a R2 XN10 with a Messier blade and the blade was like a Thornton, Yzerman type blade. Deep Curve. Now I have seen some wooden blades (TPS Crossfire)and the Messier matches up with the P88 Lindros. Soft Mid Curve and the Tkachuk matches up with the Modano,Forsberg blades.

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You could always heat n bend the woodies. Make 'em mirror the kovy lol

I just started using a tapered combo outdoors with a wood blade (Mission Pro L-2 cut for tapered + mission ether wood blade) and I'm liking it.

yeah. i tried the heat gun > door jam bending thing. didn't work too great, but since i have 2 nash woodies, i may as well try doing that.

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I believe the term deep refers to the depth of the curve from the center line, not the amount of curve in inches. A deep curve actually recesses into the oposite side wheras a shallow curve just curves away from center line

I thought that the slight, moderate and deep referred to how quickly it achieves it's curve depth on the blade. I've seen all three depths listed for 1/2" curves, so I thought a deep would be a sudden sharp curving whereas a slight would have the length of the blade curved to achieve the 1/2".

Can anyone validate what I'm saying, or correct?

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