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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fiberglass blade for Ice?

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I used to use them before and had no problems. I have alot of friends that use the Vector (50?) blades and they swear by them.

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I have the Koho 2260 its the one with black fiberglass and a piece of wood inserted into the middle of the blade: http://www.hockeygiant.com/koho2260bldsr.html

I been using it for road hockey and I wanted to buy another one for ice since I like the curve so would a abs/fiberglass blade work ok on ice?

sure, used it on ice and no problems with durability. on the other hand, didn't like the feel or performance of it. in my opinion, its just better to stick with a wood or composite blade. But hey if you really like that blade, stick with it because I see a few players using it on ice.

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I dont know about your shooting skills, but when I used that kind of blade on the ice I couldnt get my slappers on net. It twisted whenever I put everything into my shot and made the puck go wide.

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Try it on ice and see how it works for you. As mentioned the blade may not be stiff enough to control the heavier puck.

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My friend tried his Koho 2260 blade and it ended up freezing the abs core and then snapped when he took a slap shot. Maybe if you put the tool dip on it, it will last a little longer. But good luck anyways.

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I use one for Ice and Inline and have no problems with either.

No problems with slapshots on Ice either, although I am used to using flexy blades.

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