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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ice Court vs. Sport Court

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Well the original concept was on a rink set up 85' x 85', where you could bank the shots off the wall at the goalies.....somehwat harder to do on a full size rink....The concept was that you could make two rinks out of one standard surface.

The glass was very high and the refs sat on cages up in the corners..not on the floor. Teams were 3 on 3, goals were only 3' high x 4' wide, and flush with the boards, so if you went wide on a shot the rebound came straight back out...along with the bank shots, it was almost like life size air hockey.

Of course in the "Pro" league, fighting was to be allowed...pretty surprising given that Charlie Yoder was involved...But the television mavins insisted....only a few exhibition games were ever played, and a test audience was treated to the games....I guess the feedback was not sufficiently positive for the series to continue..and the TV plans were scrapped.

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I really feel that speed hockey on a standard sized floor addressed some of the slow play issues/complaints associated with roller hockey. Instead of looking at offsides, the clearing your own defensive zone in 5 seconds forces the play to keep moving and keep it exciting while not bogging down the game with frequent stoppages.

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Do you guys use harder than normal wheels on ice court?

not sure if you are asking me, but I play on Sportcourt here. From what I've heard, it might be worth it to get harder ones for Ice Court.

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i'd go with harder wheels. all wheels will get chewed up, but harder ones will last just a bit longer. don't know what kind of grip you may lose with harder wheels though...

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