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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tps response(original)

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if i send it back what will tps send me the same original response or something eles??

In a word? No.

PLUS, let's analyze - I don't think

i found a response at my house from a long time ago
constitutes as a long time for two months.
probably like 2 monthes but one of my friends had it before that..is there any way that they would know

2nd? What you're talking about is fraud. People will jump on you about how the high cost of OPS is due to people abusing the system looking for free replacements outside of the 30 day period.

My advice? (and this is NOT meant to be mean or condescending - text cant convey the sincerity here) but suck it up, be a man. You bought it. It broke outside the warrantee period. Play by the rules. If you can't afford to lose/break a stick that costs that much, then don't buy a stick that costs that much.

Again, just my two cents and I am not speaking down to you - just trying to really put it in perspective.

Take the above for what it's worth from an obscure dude on the net.

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