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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TUUK Custom+'s

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So im thinkin about switching the TUUK+'s i have on my nike quest 1 pro stock's, not that a change is going to make me any better, i just like change...

anyways, i was wondering, what everyone does with their old holders when they get new ones put on their skates?? this is my 1st year in hockey, and it doesn't look like they're too easy to sell on ebay or w/e...and i can't post in the marketplace here since im too new, but if anyone could help me think of some good ideas to get rid of some 272mm custom+'s, still in very decent condition, let me know and let me know on average what these things run regarding a private sale? Otherwise, any other good ideas to do with these things would be awesome. Thanks everyone, hope my first post is a good one :P

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Welcome on board, I really don't think you should switch the holders though, how old are those skates? Judging from the model, you might want to replace those soon and maybe get a pair with different holders.

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the skates are really nto that old, they are old models, but i picked em up from the nike outlet for what i thought was cheap ($98 cdn), since this is my first year playing hockey in an organized fashion, i ddin't think i need such a crazy crazy skate, but i want to experiment a little with some other holders, just cuz im a noober7 like that, don't ask me why but its just something i gotta do haha...

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the skates are really nto that old, they are old models, but i picked em up from the nike outlet for what i thought was cheap ($98 cdn), since this is my first year playing hockey in an organized fashion, i ddin't think i need such a crazy crazy skate, but i want to experiment a little with some other holders, just cuz im a noober7 like that, don't ask me why but its just something i gotta do haha...

essentually your a gear whore in the making ... right?

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I have found everyone is a gearhwhore in the making. I still suck, but keep buying stuff.

I do know my limits though, and only buy mid level gear so far. Once I actually get good at this game, then I'm screwed, as is my bank account!!

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I really like LS2 Tuuks MUCH more than the Customs I was using on my old skates. The pitch puts me on my toes. And that helps me get in a better stance while skating. Of course, I'm still hunching over and not bending my knees as much as I should, but I don't feel like I'm going to fall backwards constantly like I used to.

I know nothing about those skates, but if they aren't a very stiff boot with a tough outsole, I wouldn't bother. I thought about upgrading the Tuuks on my old Vapor VI's, but the boot fell apart before I got the chance (and only a few months of using it).

I played from about 3 years old to 12, started up again last year at 22. And since then I've probably dropped over $1k on gear. It's really easy...mid-level skates, a nice helmet and cage, pads and jerseys, some woodies, OPS... :D

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