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skate profiling / heel lifts

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Hi everyone,

I am thinking of having my skates profiled. I have done some reading on the subject and hope it can give me an edge while on the ice.

However after reading the following article, I am not so sure of the benefits:


Also has anyone put heel lifts on their bauer skates?

Did it help in your opinion?

What do you guys think, is it worth it to have these adjustments made?

Please share your experience :)



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you should check out hockeymom's thread. sometimes the profile of the skate out of the box isn't optimal profile for you (especially if you're coming from a different brand).

edit: a couple of people here (ones i can think of the top of my head are jbyun and JR) have installed heel lifts on their one90s and are quite happy with them.

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Adding heel lifts and getting your skates radiused or profiled isnt going to make you some great player. It may mentally think your better but these changes are used for people that are experiencing technical issues with their skates. While some may swear by profiling, probably 75% of the market never has and never will have their skates profiled. Most skates will come neutral out of the box as far as the blade is concerned, the boot on the other hand is a totally different story. Most of my customers get their skates profiled because they were for example skating in a bauer boot their whole life and decided to switch to a easton which made them lean forward too much. Simple fix is to give that person a defensive radius to try and get them to sit back a little more as they felt they were in their old skates. Or the typical Natzi hockey father who wants his 7 year old fast out on the ice so he demands a forward radius to make his son the next "Great One". Heel lifts are in a world of their own so ill let someone with more experience on that subject tell you about them. I usually dont do them or recommend them unless someone has had them before and wants them in their new skate.

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Ct I think your stuck back in the 80's with the guy in the first article...

Profiling skates should be done to every pair or atleast 90% of them. If you measure the blade heights out of the box there hardly ever the same.

If you do a profile properly...say a bauer Tuuk (comes 9ft) and just do a simple 9Ft but say use the taller skate of the two first and only go back and forth about 5 or six times then the second skate you can do less and then sharpen......Now you have 2 even skates you have hardly taken off any exces steel and your skates are "matched perfect and staggered special".......

Oh and getting this done WILL make you a better player than not geting done the Hockeymom thread proves that.

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While some may swear by profiling, probably 75% of the market never has and never will have their skates profiled.

Just because most people don't do it doesn't mean that they can't or won't benefit from it. Most people don't wear their seatbelt in the car, but we all could benefit from wearing a seatbelt in a car crash.

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While some may swear by profiling, probably 75% of the market never has and never will have their skates profiled.

Just because most people don't do it doesn't mean that they can't or won't benefit from it. Most people don't wear their seatbelt in the car, but we all could benefit from wearing a seatbelt in a car crash.

Yup, I use to like Andre' champagne until I tried Dom Perignon! From then on Andre" was Pi$$water. :D I think the only reason most don't have their skates profiled is lack of education/understanding and/or their LHS's just don't offer it. Heel lift and profiling can do wonders for a majority of skaters. It's probably the one thing that can improve your game over all else.

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Wow, the more you read on this subject, the less you know???????????

I'll say... trying to get to the point where I knew just enough to be able to judge whether the profiler knew what he was doing has occupied me for the past two years. I know you were asking for "a list" in the one90 profiling thread... my brain would hurt trying to develop a comprehensive list because there are so many variables, but I've given a loose summary of the different factors in this old thread. And these are also the areas I'm continuing to learn about in MY quest to "know just enough".

skate profiling / pitch thread

BTW - if anyone knows of more sources I'd be delighted if you passed them onto me... thanks

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