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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Google video to youtube?

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I got the ipod video, and love to put google vids on it, such as hockey ones, and went to look through some, and they are all through youtube now ... can anyone help out, and tell me how to take youtube vids and put them onto the ipod?

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I am not that familiar with the ipod video, but if all you need to do is save them to your computer, I am preety sure you need a FLV player or something like that. If you search on the net, you can find out how to do the whole process.

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Go to www.keepvid.com, enter the url of the video and save to your computer. Do a search for a file converting software ( i.e. iSquint for Mac) to convert the .flv file to a .mp4 and then save to your iPod.

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are there any viruses for videora?

nope, or at least none for me, I have been using it since June last year

I downloaded...but am having trouble with gettin the movie onto my itunes...any help?

what I usually do is drag and drop from the folder where I have the .mp4 files saved. Are there any error messages? Are you using the latest iTunes? Its never happened to me before so I don't know how much help I can be

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maybe try another way of converting to .mp4, as much of a hassle it might be to get used to a new way of doing things it could work. Total Video Converter is another program I use its real good and fairly straight forward

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