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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Keyboard Help

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Okay I hope I can explain this well. My key numbers 2 + 3 and swapped "shift" functions with ; + ' .

So when I use Shift and 2 to get " I get @ instead as it has swapped shift functions with the ' button and vice versa with 3 + \ .

If you understand what I mean because I'm not the best at explaining things then could you please help me? :)

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Okay I hope I can explain this well. My key numbers 2 + 3 and swapped "shift" functions with ; + ' .

So when I use Shift and 2 to get " I get @ instead as it has swapped shift functions with the ' button and vice versa with 3 + \ .

If you understand what I mean because I'm not the best at explaining things then could you please help me? :)

1. don't get pissed off at ur keyboard.

2. buy a new one as yours is screwed up or swap the buttons back to where they were

3. how the hell did that happen? :o :huh:

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I'm assuming it's not the keyboard as the keys work normally untill I start using their shift functions, and I know it's not a problem with the shift key as only 4 keys have swapped shift function things and the rest work as normal.

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1. don't get pissed off at ur keyboard.

2. buy a new one as yours is screwed up or swap the buttons back to where they were

3. how the hell did that happen?

Seriously... wtf?! How on earth did you manage... You broke it, you broke the internet. Look what you did! :angry:

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Okay I hope I can explain this well. My key numbers 2 + 3 and swapped "shift" functions with ; + ' .

So when I use Shift and 2 to get " I get @ instead as it has swapped shift functions with the ' button and vice versa with 3 + \ .

If you understand what I mean because I'm not the best at explaining things then could you please help me? :)

Your language settings are mixed up. What operating system do you use? It sounds like you're using a UK-layout keyboard, so if you're in XP go to the control panel, open up language/regional settings, and setup your language accordingly.

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