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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Congrats to the Wreckin Ball

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I just found pix today I took of the Habs dressing room in the late 90s during a CCM event at the Bell Centre during the CSGA show. I saw photos of Recchi # 8 stall in the room. The guy has more than paid his dues. Little man in a big man's game.

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When the Flyers gave him a 5 year $25M contract more than a few years ago I thought it was a bad move. I was absolutely wrong, he has been great.

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was very happy to see the fans at AAC give him the standing O while at the game last night...

didn't Recchi play with pnuemonia for a month or so while the flyers were decimated with injuries?

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I'm so mad, I haven't played him in my fantasy league for the past three games. Do you guys think he will continue this tear for a while?

well he's playing on the line with crosby and the powerplay with crosby and malkin - he's gonna get his points as long as he is doing that

it all depends on who you are going to be benching

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