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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Gym Workout

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The Medicine Ball is your friend. Get a rubberized one, and bounce it off a concrete wall forwards, to the side, do a sit up and throw it at the wall then catch it and go back down, stand on balance board while moving medicine ball all over the place, etc.

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Mark Messier and Lindros always rode the bike after games in their prime. I might have the names mixed up, but you'll get the point.

Riding the bike after hockey was to flush out the system of lactic acid in the muscles which builds up over the course of the game. It`s important to flush out these acids so that the muscles repair quicker or something. I remember my coauch was telling us aobut it thats why after the game I skip for like 5-10 minutes.

Note: Some of the information posted might be wrong, but I know it`s some type of acid and that it has something to do with the muscles.

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i am currrently working my forarms with the curls, and can i do these everyday since its not too intense or should i take a break every couple of days. if so when should i take a break? (alternate, maybe take weekends off and excersize them 5 days a week etc.)

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Take at least one day off between workouts on your body. For example. Do quads and arms one day, do calves and chest the next day. Obviously do morethen that a day, but you get the point that you should work on it, let it rest, work on it and so on. The only muscle I have heard people do all the time is the stomach muscles, like situps.

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First of all, curls wouldn`t really work forearms, more like biceps. Secondly, in order to see results your doing to want to do the curls until you can`t do anymore, your going to want high intensity, and then rest. Also, in order to see reults your going to want to eat a gram of protin for every lbs of body weight so that the mucles has stuff to repair and grow bigger. I`m not sure how efficent your method would be becasue your not overly exerting the muscle and ripping it, causing it to grow back bigger.

If you want to do forearms the best excersce is to take a thick dowel about the lenght or yuo middle finger yo your elbow and tie a string that goes from your shoulders to about 5 inches on the ground. Then take a 5-10 lbs plate and tie it on to the string, which is attached to the wooden dowel or hockey stick. once the plate is tied to the string, and the string to the dowel, the lenght of the sting should reach from your shoulders to about 3 inches abut the ground. With this your going to want to extend your arms, so there parallel to the ground, have the string fully let down, and then pull it up, winding it around the dowel/hockey stick, and then do the opposite. It`s a very good work out for the forearms.

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Take at least one day off between workouts on your body. For example. Do quads and arms one day, do calves and chest the next day. Obviously do morethen that a day, but you get the point that you should work on it, let it rest, work on it and so on. The only muscle I have heard people do all the time is the stomach muscles, like situps.

Legs should have there own day, and you should do all of your leg muscles together, work them so you can`t run home, and you will see results with the proper nutrition.

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Take at least one day off between workouts on your body. For example. Do quads and arms one day, do calves and chest the next day. Obviously do morethen that a day, but you get the point that you should work on it, let it rest, work on it and so on. The only muscle I have heard people do all the time is the stomach muscles, like situps.

Legs should have there own day, and you should do all of your leg muscles together, work them so you can`t run home, and you will see results with the proper nutrition.

Protien will help rebuild your muscles after the workout.

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u mean work my legs so hard i cant run b/c it hurts? i am 14 1/2, am i old enough to start working my legs?

Chris_H, i meant wrist curls, sorry my bad, shouldve bwwn more specific

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If you want to do forearms the best excersce is to take a thick dowel about the lenght or yuo middle finger yo your elbow and tie a string that goes from your shoulders to about 5 inches on the ground. Then take a 5-10 lbs plate and tie it on to the string, which is attached to the wooden dowel or hockey stick. once the plate is tied to the string, and the string to the dowel, the lenght of the sting should reach from your shoulders to about 3 inches abut the ground. With this your going to want to extend your arms, so there parallel to the ground, have the string fully let down, and then pull it up, winding it around the dowel/hockey stick, and then do the opposite. It`s a very good work out for the forearms.

thats exactly wut im doin ;) (but with a hockey stick)

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Nice man, thats a good start.

I`m not going to advise you to start leg pressing and doing squats and deadlifts with heavy weights casue you could significantly stun yuor growth and you`ll need access to a gym.I`m not one to advise you to start working out, I suggest doing plymetrics instead of weights.

Plyometircs and just running up and down a hill so that it`s tiring and almost painful to walk, that will be good for legs. The harder you train the more results you`ll see.

Also, were you just doing the wrist curls becasue you were bored or are you seriously thinking of working out? Hockey players need more then strong foreamrs to compete and excel, as your probably already know.

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Actually. Some people cant do plyometrics untill they can start weight lifting. Plymetrics is very hard on the knees and you should by rule of thumb, be able to squat your own body weight before you start plyometrics. Just some information for you.

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Also, were you just doing the wrist curls becasue you were bored or are you seriously thinking of working out? Hockey players need more then strong foreamrs to compete and excel, as your probably already know.

i was doing the wrist curls b/c i am getting really serious about working at my game/ fitness for hockey. i know it can help u out a ton...... so when do u think i should start plyometrics. wuts a good age.... i was worried too about the growth stunting thing

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what about weights??? i want to get a stronger upper body especially the core?? how can i work on skating ????? my knee problem is fine to skate and a light about of running but nething more and it starts to swell up i did try to get it fixed but the doc cant do much more. he was supposed to put pinns in it but yer so i had to have 6 months off last yr and i am trying to get some speed now.. so what ideas do u guys have???

Lower body and core are the most important, keep in mind. Thats not to say that you should dismiss the upper body. But just remember when lifting to have your prioritys straight. Yglodds link will help a lot with the weights. But there are tons of things you can do to help your core really.

Make a balance board...stand on it with a weight held by both hands mid body level. Twist your mid section back to forth while balancing yourself.

ive gone away from hockey school onlien to a personal hockey trainer. I used to be with him. the workout they have seems too simple, not bragging, but doesnt seem so hockey obvious. someone starting out can use it, but for advanced hockey exercises find a trainer. i get workouts from mine, nothing he gives coems close to conventional exercises, in fact if i saw someone doing them id laugh, but this is good stuff cuz i see him with nhlers everyday

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One thing the trainers do is to mix up the training routine every few weeks. Otherwise, the body adapts to the exercises and you get little gain for a lot of work.

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since running and plyos and stuff are tough on you because of ur knee problems, why not just do a lot of springs on the ice? go out to an open hockey when its empty, and just get on the goal line and do some sprints for a half an hour.

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