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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Flat pads ?

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this is no joke i found it whilst looking on the net, you have to have a look on www.promask.com and look under pads. what do you think, way forward or just rubbish

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They have been available for some time now. It's an interesting looking pad but unless you have a wide butterfly, you may have some issues. They made a slight change to the model that they took to Toronto to give it a slightly more defined boot but it's still fairly flat. Don't see much that is different or special about the gloves tho.

Gay and retarded? Come on, you guys can dig deeper into your vocabulary for descriptive terms.


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Gay and retarded? Come on, you guys can dig deeper into your vocabulary for descriptive terms.


It happens when you talk with non-adults....that's a trend on these boards here.

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I tried the pads on in Toronto. I would own a pair in a heartbeat, only problem, just too expensive. At 1.5 lbs apiece they are amazing. Once you get over the "look" they basically cover same amount of lower net. Personally, I don't think they look too bad.

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1.5 lbs? Time to recalibrate your scale as they aren't that lite.

I guess that some on here haven't heard of the old adage, better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth (or in this case, start typing) and remove all doubt.


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like how gay would "promask" or "flatpad" look on your pads.

Like why does it like matter what like your pad looks like and if its light and performs well then like why wouldnt you like buy it?

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vision Jan 30 2007, 07:45 PM Post #5

Group: Members+

Posts: 118

Joined: 24-October 05

Member No.: 2078

They have been available for some time now. It's an interesting looking pad but unless you have a wide butterfly, you may have some issues. They made a slight change to the model that they took to Toronto to give it a slightly more defined boot but it's still fairly flat. Don't see much that is different or special about the gloves tho.

Gay and retarded? Come on, you guys can dig deeper into your vocabulary for descriptive terms.


Geezuz does everything have to be proper with you? Really though you notice everything if someone says somthing gay retarded? To proper for my likings.. o ya and those pads are gross

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It's not that things have to be proper at all. The issue is that this is a place to (intelligently) share information on products available to hockey players, as well as information about the game itself and the life that surrounds the game.

You are more than welcome to have an opinion on a certain type of gear. your opinion may help another member in their choice of gear when something needs to be replaced.

An opinion, however, should be based on an intelligent thought process. There should be a valid reason that you like or dislike a product, not just "it's gay." The only way you can deem something "gay" is if you have either heard from it that it is gay, or you have seen the thing in the act of homosexual sex. Obviously, this sounds quite silly, and that is because it is. The assesment of the pads as gay or retarded is immature and has no place on this board considering we're here for somewhat intelligent conversation regarding the pads. As a general rule of thumb, if you don't have anything productive or insightful to add, don't bother posting.


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