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Windows Vista

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Just got my copy of Vista from Dell. Any reason NOT to install? I am bringing this thread back to life because I figure more people have been using it for a while. I am happy with XP, but would like to see Vista assuming it does not have any major problems. Thanks in advance.

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Just got my copy of Vista from Dell. Any reason NOT to install? I am bringing this thread back to life because I figure more people have been using it for a while. I am happy with XP, but would like to see Vista assuming it does not have any major problems. Thanks in advance.

For me there have been some compatability problems

Even after installing the update i've been getting lots of crashes. If you're happy with XP I would stick with it until MS releases something like a Service Pack. If you really want to install it I guess no one is stopping you. For me the main reason was to test out Windows Aero and I just wanted an overall fresher look without using WindowsBlinds.

EDIT: Also, MS decided to destroy OpenGL and 5.1 Surround Sound which really made me wish I stuck with XP.

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I still love Vista. I have run into some issues with older software, but for the most part I like it still.

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I still love Vista. I have run into some issues with older software, but for the most part I like it still.

what is so great about it? Aqua, expose, spotlight, dashboard, or some of the other "new" featuers?

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I still love Vista. I have run into some issues with older software, but for the most part I like it still.

what is so great about it? Aqua, expose, spotlight, dashboard, or some of the other "new" featuers?

Well considering I game and that I wouldn't take a mac if you gave it to me, I would say that all of the above are nice.. ripoff or not :)

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um, this might be a bit old, but could someone please explain to me what makes gaming so difficult on macs? i'm in the market for a new laptop, and after doing lots of reading on the macs, i'm pretty interested in them. but if gaming's a problem, then i'm gonna have to scrap that idea. could anyone clarify this?

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Game makers just do not make games for the mac. But you can put windows on a mac now, so you CAN game on a mac, just not using Mac OSX.

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Game makers just do not make games for the mac. But you can put windows on a mac now, so you CAN game on a mac, just not using Mac OSX.

i never thought that there'd be a difference. shows how little i know. i just figured you'd buy the game, pop the dvd/cd in, install and play!

i don't think i'd wanna go out and buy a mac, then buy windows xp, install it and then be on my way, because i was starting to fall for the mac's OS. it just wouldn't be the same, would it? or would the mac be able to run windows more efficiently than a PC could?

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If you put Windows on a Mac, it would only run more efficiently if you have good hardware. Since Macs are now using Intel chips, from a hardware standpoint, they're pretty much the same as PCs. Basically, you'd be paying for that extra OS, a probably more expensive mac, and the only thing you'd have to show for it is white plastic.


made me laugh :D (sry mac users, i'll say it was a response to the 'Vista upgrades' link)

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If you put Windows on a Mac, it would only run more efficiently if you have good hardware. Since Macs are now using Intel chips, from a hardware standpoint, they're pretty much the same as PCs. Basically, you'd be paying for that extra OS, a probably more expensive mac, and the only thing you'd have to show for it is white plastic.


made me laugh :D (sry mac users, i'll say it was a response to the 'Vista upgrades' link)

I dont have the source, but there were some articles which claimed that they had Vista running faster on a simarly speced Mac Pro vs. a Dell XPS. Which is actually very possible, and most likely actually true. It is not because Macs feature amazing technology that can deliver faster speeds, its pretty much because there were no drivers to load because there were none at the time.

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