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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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It's a screwed up world

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So, I was well pumped up for my game today, get a text from the coach saying the game was off, turns out this is the reason..

The reason

This kids the same age as me, kinda hits home. Has anyone heard of stuff like this happening in ice rinks?

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found out as soon as i got back from cardiff.

everytime ive been to Streatham theres always something happend.

like the last time some car blew up right outside it.

hope they give the killers what they deserve.

its gonna screw up EIHA fixtures too

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happens alot at roller rinks in NYC.

Where do you get your information from I live in NYC and that has never happened here at Roller Rinks. Maybe basketball courts but never rinks.

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Not a lot of shooting or knifing happens in here but on some nights when I'm working, quite a few fights breakout. But damn, who in their right mind brings a gun to the rink??

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happens alot at roller rinks in NYC.

if killings happened a lot at nyc roller rinks, i think it would be more in the news.

i am not saying you are wrong, but where did you hear this?

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