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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tps sundin

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Wood Tkachuck R2s are 5.5 and an open heel wedge, those wood R2 blades are just fucked up.

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Really? So you think the Afinogenov in the Response series OPS would actually have a proper lie 5 (as comparable to Easton, Sherwood, Christian), and that woody R2 I have is just screwed up? This stuff drive me nuts!

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Does any body have a pic of the nash curve?? i want to get a tps blade but am stuck between the nash and Afinogenov I'm using an iginla right now but want something thats a bit better to stick handle with!

any help would be muchly apreciated

Thanks Guys

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TPS Nash (next to a woodie Sakic- they're not exact clones)


TPS Messier (Discontinued?)


My P106 Jokinen that I changed- make the curve gentler and less open- anyone got an idea of a close retail to this? In heating it I cracked all of the fiber wrap off. The yellow tape is on for home use- the color wears a lot quicker than black to give you feedback.


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