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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Turning a si-core into a tapered shaft

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this has probabley been asked a few times, but i searched and didn't find anything. I have a si-core that i recently broke, is it possible to heat up the the shaft and pull out the blade.last time i turned a one-piece into a tapered shaft i had to chizzel all the shit out, and it took me almost an hour,i am looking to see if theres any way around doing that again.

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It varies from stick to stick. Sometimes you get lucky, other times you dont. The best way to do it is to find the fuse point and cut a little bit around the edges to seperate the blade from the shaft. After that heat it up a lot and start pulling. If that doesnt work then its time to cut the blade off at the fuse point. After you do that youll clearly see the walls of the shaft and the blade hosel. Carefully grind, sand, pull, or whatever it takes to get rid of the excess hosel inside the shaft. Not easy but its worth a shaft in the end

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On Eastons, Cut the blade off about a quarter of an inch above the fuse point. If you look carefully, you will see a whitish ring and two foam cores in what is left of the blade in the shaft. What I usually do is drill out the foam cores and let the heat gun blow on it for about 15-20 minutes. Once it is warmed up, take a small chisel and tap the whitish ring to dislodge the glue. Once you have a good working crack all the way around, I will take needle nose pliers and put them in the drilled holes and slowly twist and pull with the heat until the tenon comes out.

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