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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom Hats

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Anyone know any sites or anything about custom hats? like a normal baseball cap but with some symbol ud like to put on or something like that because i am looking for a redbull hat( not the racing ones) and it seems they dont sell them so could anyone post any info they have on custom hats or somethin like this

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Redbull had some logo'd New Eras made up not that long ago. They shouldnt be too hard to track down.

Where did you see this? could u please find me a site or something

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any silkscreen/embroidery shop can do it for you along with places like Lids, but as Chadd said, it's not legal to do a licensed logo on your own. If there are none out there you like, you're out of luck on that one.

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exactly, it's not legal to take a licensed logo and place it on clothing or any other item for that matter, but smaller shops might still do it. It's another thing if you have an already made patch, but getting a licensed logo custom done can get a business in hot water and a law suit.

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Disco- at Lids, we wouldnt be able to put the exact logo on a hat. Unfortunately, we have a book of graphics that we can use, and anything not in those books is pretty pricey to do if youre just planning on getting singles.

Obviously if you just wanted it to say Redbull across the front, thats no issue. Without looking, i couldnt tell you if that style of a bull is in that book, but if it is, we could use it.

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Can you buy just hats from them? I want a couple of those fitted, with no logos?

I'm taking a break from there, but if i recall correctly our 59/fifty style fitteds are $15.99

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