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Olie Kolzig out for at least 3 weeks

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EDIT: Found link


The news on Kolzig is not good.

The goalie suffered a knee injury (not a groin as I speculated earlier) and is going miss at least three weeks, according to General Manager George McPhee. Judging from the fact that Kolzig was dragging his left leg as he departed the rink, I'm assuming it's his left knee that's hurt.

McPhee said that Kolzig's injury probably won't require surgery, but that won't known for sure until he's evaluated in the coming days.

The team will likely recall Frederic Cassivi from Hershey today to backup the new starting goaltender, Brent Johnson.

Brashear's contract extension, by the way, is a one year deal for $1.1 million, a $100,000 raise over what he's earning this season

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Bad news for Kolzig, maybe Freddie will get a couple games.

They have one back to back set here. Only one game this week, but then next week they have 4 games, pens on sunday, habs on tue, sharks on wed and the devils on friday.

My bet is they give him the sharks game, a game they are expected to lose on the back end of a back to back

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RE-SIGNING not resigning. If he resigned, he would not be on the team anymore. (sorry, a pet peeve of mine).

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