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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guest spyrakos92

Spray grip for sticks?

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Guest spyrakos92

has anyone used some sort of spray that will add grip to your stick instead of swirls or reversed black tape?

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you could probably pick something up at your local hardware store, or even try hairspray? even though it would most likely just wash off....or maybe even try a search function on this website, maybe someones asked it before and its been answered

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has anyone used some sort of spray that will add grip to your stick instead of swirls or reversed black tape?

never seen a spray before, but I know Easton sells a tackifying cloth.

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I just used a new Warrior Dolomite w/out grip on Sunday, and to give it some grip I just rubbed a little of the Easton Top Shelf stick wax on the shaft. It's clear so it doesnt look back, and it's just tacky and sticky enough to work as grip without killing your gloves...

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How does putting wax on your blade wreck your gloves?

I meant to say shaft... stuff like pine tar, or even rubbing the sticky side of hockey tape on their make your gloves pretty nasty, but I found this stuff hasn't (yet)

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember hearing on the old Corebeam days about this stuff called Cracks Gone that you apparently can get at a Home Depot or Walmart.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember hearing on the old Corebeam days about this stuff called Cracks Gone that you apparently can get at a Home Depot or Walmart.

It's Good-Bye Cracks and Home Depot didn't carry it anymore last time I checked. Walmart is a retailer but I never found it there. Lowes is the retailer I had the best luck with. It works good but makes the stick appear as though it has a milky film on it. Make sure to clean the shaft with a mildly abrasive pad and clean with alcohol to aid in adhesion. I also found that a lighter coat works better than a thick one or even multiple thin ones. The less coating the better the bond from my experience. One of these days maybe a stick manufacture will can whatever it is they use and market it to the public.

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This has been discussed MANY times before. I swore by POW R TAC but now I use that spray on rubber grip (plastic dip) you can get at Home Depot. I think this has a less tacky feel to it and may also help protect the bottom part of the shaft a bit as well.

Be sure to use 2-3 coats for better feel and protection.

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