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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sickick and one90 question

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i'm thinking of buying a new stick in a couple weeks, and have been down to the LHS to check em out. I've narrowed em down to either the Sickick or the one90.

The impression i got is that the Sickick regular seemed stiffer than the one90 regular...I mean noticably stiffer. For anyone that knows or might have used both sticks, did you notice any difference between the two, ie: one being stiffer than the other?

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Depends on what you define as regular for the one90. The RBK regular (by means of the transitive property of 95 flex = 40KP = CCM = RBK) should be 95. If you say that the 87 flex is regular, then the Sickick being stiffer sounds about right. If you say that the 102 flex is regular, then the Sickick would be not as stiff.

What I find interesting is that RBK (at least with the Sickicks I've seen) has "85" on their regular flex sticks and "100" on their "stiff". (didn't see anything stiffer or remember what the mids had) Same with the 10.0's from last year. (didn't pay any attention to 8.0's though)

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All I know is the sick kick is a more durable stick than the one 90.

Now how do you know that?

He must have broken a One90 in less time than a Sickick to come up with this groundbreaking conclusion.

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well i'm used to using a bauer 87, after it's cut down it's around 95ish, so i'd be looking at the sickick 85...but it just seems stiffer!

The problem is that the sickick 85 is actually 95, unless they've changed things. Also, CCM/RBK sticks are longer than NBH, so you'll need to cut even more, thus making it even stiffer.

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All I know is the sick kick is a more durable stick than the one 90.

Now how do you know that?

He must have broken a One90 in less time than a Sickick to come up with this groundbreaking conclusion.

You guys kill me.....after getting about 3+ feet of snow today in NY, some humor was just what my dry hands and cracked shovel needed.

I have seen on MSH that some people have had some bad experiences with Sickick, but I have not seen qualitative issues with the One90. The Vector 10 on the other hand.....

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