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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hockey Weight Room Facilities

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Maybe it would be helpful if you describe to us what you believe a "traditional hockey weight room" is, how it compares and is different from a non-traditional hockey weight room, and how it compares and is different from a general weight room that isn't sport specific.

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The weight-room that my team last team used was really pretty standard. Lots of bars, dumbbells, medicine balls, benches and all that stuff. There were a few rowing machines and a couple squat racks. No real machines to speak-of: the emphasis was on free-weights. Nothing special. Fun times in that room... :rolleyes:

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If you look at the Edmonton Oilers Equipment Room QuickTime VR of Rexall place (4th link down the page), you can sort of see the training room of the Oilers through the window :P . Nothing too special... It's mostly bikes, some free weights with a weight bench, I think a squat rack, and one other weight machine.


Enjoy the rest of the VRs :D . SO COOL!

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The better ones nowadays have a lot of power racks and olympic floor squares. They concentrate on barbell or dumbell type free weights. There should be a bank of exercycles to burn out the lactate from tired muscles. Plyo boxes and impact absorption matts. That type of stuff.

More important is having a knowledgeable trainer who can teach the olypmic lifts and craft an individuallized program for the player.

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