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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Super Joe goal 600!

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Sakic has been one of my favorite player for years. He is one of the hardest working people in the league, shows up to play and gives it his all each night. He has worked hard to accomplish this. Well done!

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I know he is the face of that franchise...but he's on a 1 year deal...if Colorado looks to be out of the playoffs...do you see him traded?

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I know he is the face of that franchise...but he's on a 1 year deal...if Colorado looks to be out of the playoffs...do you see him traded?

Nope. Management has already done a lot of stuff to piss off the fans and that would have a HUGE impact on thier wallets (e.g. signing May, Theo and the mismanagement of cap dollars - see Blake and Sakic bonus)

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