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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Northside Dangler 9

Phone Pic

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What service do you have?

With Sprint, you have an online album that you can upload to your phone or download from the phone to your computer.

If you have a PDA phone you can email the picture to an email address.

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If you're going to send it to your email address, which is what I do, or transfer the picture to my memory card, you need to make a seperate contact for the email address.

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you dont need to make a separate contact with verizon, just type your e-mail into where you would originaly type the number

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no problem, although the pictures are usually poor quality

It has nothing to do with emaling the pictures. Its due to the poor resolution and more importantly the very poor CCDs.

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Ya I know haha, sorry if it sounded like I meant e-mailing them would effect the quality. Just when your camera phone takes a picture and you enlarge it it is usually not the best of quality due to the factors you mentioned

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