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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Im tired of breaking my synergy SL's at the heel of the blade so iam going for a tapered shaft/wood blade combo. I've looked in the review section but it doesnt say if the shafts are tapred or not. What are some of the top tapered shafts right now? thx.

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id say that the Warrior shafts are definately up there. Dolomite is the tapered and the AK27 is the standard shaft. I went from a SL to the dolomite tapered shaft/blade combo and couldn't be happier

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id say that the Warrior shafts are definately up there. Dolomite is the tapered and the AK27 is the standard shaft. I went from a SL to the dolomite tapered shaft/blade combo and couldn't be happier

I second that. Warrior Dolomite is really durable and has a great feel.

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I have yet to see a tapered shaft that performs as well as the R2 XN10. They're hard to find now that they're discontinued but they are worth the effort to find them.

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I will third the Dolomite. Very nice stick. I have an XN10 that I pulled the blade from and turned into a shaft. It's also a good stick, but I like the puck feel of the Dolomite better.

I let one of our best players try each of them out for a game, and he much preferred the Dolomite.

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I will third the Dolomite. Very nice stick. I have an XN10 that I pulled the blade from and turned into a shaft. It's also a good stick, but I like the puck feel of the Dolomite better.

I let one of our best players try each of them out for a game, and he much preferred the Dolomite.

Those shafts have zero effect on puck feel, it's all dependent on the blade.

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Just cut you SL blade off and stick in a wood blade.

If you've got a bunch of broken SL's and don't want to convert them, I'll take a few off your hands ;)

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I will third the Dolomite. Very nice stick. I have an XN10 that I pulled the blade from and turned into a shaft. It's also a good stick, but I like the puck feel of the Dolomite better.

I let one of our best players try each of them out for a game, and he much preferred the Dolomite.

Those shafts have zero effect on puck feel, it's all dependent on the blade.

I assume, like me, he's talking about a dolomite shaft with a dolomite 2 blade. That's an amazing combo, same as the dolomite "ops"

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I will third the Dolomite. Very nice stick. I have an XN10 that I pulled the blade from and turned into a shaft. It's also a good stick, but I like the puck feel of the Dolomite better.

I let one of our best players try each of them out for a game, and he much preferred the Dolomite.

Those shafts have zero effect on puck feel, it's all dependent on the blade.

I assume, like me, he's talking about a dolomite shaft with a dolomite 2 blade. That's an amazing combo, same as the dolomite "ops"

He's not asking about blades, so that's irrelevant.

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There are a number of tapered options, inc. a synergy II which is apparently built of the SL platform. I currently use a Mission L-2 and I'm pretty happy with it.

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I was planning on getting a wood blade because i was under the impression that they have better feel. but if the dolomite blade feels so good maybe i'll get that with the shaft.

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I was planning on getting a wood blade because i was under the impression that they have better feel. but if the dolomite blade feels so good maybe i'll get that with the shaft.

They don't feel like wood but they are significantly more durable than wood.

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srv2miker already mentioned that the SynergyII shaft is built on the SL platform.

This also includes the blade. If you get yourself a synergy II shaft with a syn II blade, performance, feel, weight etc. will be the same as an SL. The only difference is that you can swap the blade when it breaks. Much better to pay $60 for a blade than $150+ for a whole new stick, and you wonlt lose the SL's blade's performance by switching to wood.

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I'll cast another vote for TPS - I haven't tried the Redlight, but my Response blade went and it is now a tapered shaft with an L2 Elias in it, and I'm really liking it.

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I have yet to see a tapered shaft that performs as well as the R2 XN10. They're hard to find now that they're discontinued but they are worth the effort to find them.

I could not find another R2 xn10, so I tried the R2 armor and found it to be about the same. The Armor is slightly heavier, but other than that it is the same.

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I own both SL and the Syn2 shaft and although they might be in the same family they are nothing like in performance. IMHO the old synthesis shaft had the best 1 piece feel I have had in an Easton shaft. Don't get me wrong the Syn2 is an excellent shaft has been durable, flexible, and most important consistent, but it does not have the same kick, feel, nor lightness of my SL

I hear nothing but great things about the dolo shaft and when I bought the Syn2 which was backordered the guy I ordered from recommneded the Warrior in its place and I kinda wish I had gone with his suggestion just to try it out

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