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knee topic

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thought i'd get some info here.

every time i fall skating with out pads i bang my right knee. just when it was feeling better, i tripped up my apt stairs and banged it good.

I get a SHARP pain if i kneel on it, or sometimes even just lightly bump it. It's the lower right side of my right knee.

It never got swollen, and isn't black and blue.

Like i said it's a sharp pain if i just hit the right spot, does it sound like a bruised bone maybe? Or maybe a hairline fracture? (hopfully not)

If it lingers a couple of weeks this time, i'll finally set up a doctor on my insurance and get it checked out.

any thought would be appreciated.

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I took a direct hit without pads on my knees at a public skate.

I stopped and picked up some wrestling knee pads on the way home, flexible, fit under any pants, not cumbersome.

One fall was enough for me to make sure I have knee pads.

It is most likely a deep bone bruise, but get it checked out. If it was a fracture, even a hairline one, there would be a throbbing there constantly, but you would do well to listen to someone who hasn't been drinking for most of the evening, and see a doctor

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yeah i figured there would be more constant pain if it were broke.

and before my next skate i am hitting a sporting goods store and getting something for my knees. Wrestling pads are a good call!

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I once fell on my elbow running the stairs at our school football stadium in college and I chipped a bone near my elbow. It would sometimes hurt and have a sharp pain if I leaned on it in the right spot or pushed on it... I basically had little bone chips in there that were cracked off... could be the same thing you have.

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well leaning on the right spot or pushing the right spot sounds similar. but i read up further on it, as well as Burst bursa, and they all mentioned swelling and limited motion range. Which i haven't had either.

I just figured i'd get some ideas in here. But i know I need to go. I have 3 more games + playoffs left this beer league season. Maybe on the break between the winter and spring league i will get it looked at. I haven't been to a doctor since my second year in college anyway (about 7 years ago).

Any other thoughts out there?

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I have what sounds like the exact same thing on my left knee. The lower outside face of the knee cap right? In your case the lower right face of the right knee cap. For several weeks it was a sharp hot pain any time I touched it. There was no swelling, and no pain to move it other than the day it happened. Mine has been healing about a month, and I can almost kneel on a soft pad now without sharp pain. When I massage it it is just a little sore, like a bruise. I don't know what yours is, but mine seems to be healing. It wouldn't hurt to see a doctor.

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All this sounds more like a ganglion cyst. Usually caused by blunt force trauma. Basically causes a scar like calcium deposit to impact location that is tender to pressure. Can go away on it's own sometimes, can possibly be broken up, neither necessary though unless terribly annoying. Most of the times mine go away, but I have some that seem to be permanant and I just deal with 'em.

I agree with have your local physician look at it and give you options.

Try this info.


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I have what sounds like the exact same thing on my left knee. The lower outside face of the knee cap right? In your case the lower right face of the right knee cap. For several weeks it was a sharp hot pain any time I touched it. There was no swelling, and no pain to move it other than the day it happened. Mine has been healing about a month, and I can almost kneel on a soft pad now without sharp pain. When I massage it it is just a little sore, like a bruise. I don't know what yours is, but mine seems to be healing. It wouldn't hurt to see a doctor.


after time it does feel like it's getting better. then i promptly do it again! :blink:

It maybe what hockydoc mentioned, because when it has felt better and i feel the area it feels like a vein (for lack of a better description) of scar tissue in that area.

Thanks for all the great feed back! When i actually get it looked at it'll be nice to have some ideas beyond "it hurts here"

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I fell on both unprotected knees once while skating with the kid. Boy did it hurt! Unfortunately it apparently also did some damage to the cartilage in the knee, as a year later I started to have big problems and that knee damage was the only think I had done bad to them. The doc was pretty sure that was what did it. Now it "clicks" when I bend it.

I do not know what you can do at this point except to strengthen the muscles around the knee (single leg squats, balance on a wobble board) to try to keep in in line, and start wearing pads. You can get some thin soccer knee pads that you can wear under your pants if you do not want the full hockey shin guards.

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check with the doc... I'd think twice about screwing around with my knees now...

you can also get some volleyball knee pads.. quite a lot of cushioning...

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Don't mess around when it comes to knees (or any joint for that matter). Get a professional opinion.

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