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Spider-Man 2

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So who all's seen this one? I have to say it's better than the first one and leaves it wide open for them to keep on making them, even if Maguire's getting a bit of an ego.

And Kirsten Dunst is still hot, summerteeth, floppy mams and all.

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I loved it. I would agree that it was better than the first. Doc Oc was great.. they sure set themselves up for the future introducing Dr. Connors (the Lizard), Harry Osborn and Jonas Jameson...

It was a great ride. Even though we have 3 villains for future films right there, I want to see venom, though I don't know how they'd pull it off... :)

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I think they could do Venom and hopefully Carnage as well. I think the CGI looked good enough now for them to try and do Venom, but I'm thinking they're going another route now. When Maguire gets too old they can always just plug in the guy from Donnie Darko.

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I think the CGI looked good enough now for them to try and do Venom.

I agree. What impressed me the most was how good the CGI quality was for the fight scenes and how most of them were in daylight and outside which typically most cgi houses avoid like the plague because of how difficult it is to make things look realistic.

I also love the fact that the fight scenes look like *fighting* they don't look like they're doing martial-arts/matrix crap, it looks like two freaks really going at it... a nice change of pace in action movies.

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Good call, they didn't try and make it fancy and just stuck to the old school brawling. I thought it was great that they had Spider-Man picking up a few new tricks too. If they keep it that simple I don't see why they couldn't try it now, since their excuse had been that there was no way to do a good Venom.

I also like how they stick to original storylines and just did a great job conveying that. I know the hangover's there but I think this is just a great film all around.

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All I had to say was wow, it was awesome! Spiderman was always my favorite comic book character and I am glad to see that they aren't ruining him onscreen like some others "coughHULKcough*. As much as I like Venom and Carnage I doubt ethier of them will happen for one simple reason, they won't appeal to the older audence who watched the cartoon and read the older comics. So far they have used the most popular characters and I just don't think it would happen.

Also anyone else notice the Harry only saw the old Goblin mask? The Hobgoblin had a Pumkin head, I guess they won't be doing that.

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the osbornes werethe green goblin and someone name chris phillips (i think) was the hobgoblin. Even if that isnt his name, I'am pretty sure that the osbornes were the green goblins and someone else was the hob goblin. Green Goblin would own hob goblin anyways.

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Harry took over as Green Goblin for a bit and then the Hobgoblin was a totally different person. I don't remember an Osborn being one because the first one was named Kingsley.

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So who all's seen this one? I have to say it's better than the first one and leaves it wide open for them to keep on making them, even if Maguire's getting a bit of an ego.

And Kirsten Dunst is still hot, summerteeth, floppy mams and all.

I think Kirsten is hotter in the second one. :rolleyes:

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I liked the fact that even though this was a good superhero movie, it didn't take itself too seriously. For instance: the goofy lady with the violin or Peter Parker just standing there thinking while some guy gets the crap mugged out of him.

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I liked the fact that even though this was a good superhero movie, it didn't take itself too seriously. For instance: the goofy lady with the violin or Peter Parker just standing there thinking while some guy gets the crap mugged out of him.

Yeah. I liked that too. That lady might be the next William Hung.

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For comedy I don't think anything beat the elevator scene or when he jumped to test his powers again.

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For comedy I don't think anything beat the elevator scene or when he jumped to test his powers again.

Or the "montage" when he started feeling better about himself... the 2 second pause when he was grinning like a goof was priceless!

and no, for the record Harry never becomes the hobgoblin, totally different set of people. Harry is the Green Goblin 2...

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Oh crap I almost forgot about that part. That was a great little bit to put in there to lighten it up. As for him not doing anything to help the guy getting mugged, all I could think about was the last episode of "Seinfeld."

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Just make sure that the disturbing mole on her eyebrow didn't fall in the batter. Sorry I guess that's mean, I'm shallow like that. :rolleyes:

I almost puked when I saw that. I almost missed it though.

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I just saw it today. I thought the fight scenes were way beter than #1. Doc Ock was fantastic and I like the way they've set up for Harry to be the Goblin for #3. JJ was also great...I love the quick..."what do ya want...an invitation?" kind of lines...

I always liked the Spiderman cartoons growing up, but I didn't read the books religiously. So I have a question?

What's with his powers failing him? The webshooting was origianlly part of the powers and Peter just made the shooters as a way to control/aim them right?...in the movies they've made the entire web shooter/webbing solution a Peter invention. I see how that can fail/run out. But his wall crawling not working...is that a movie thing to play up the "...have confidence in yourself, do what's right" angle or was that a storyline from the books.

Nice cameo by Stan Lee btw...(during the Aunt Mae capture sequence.)

As far as Venom/Carnage. I agree that they are probably not familiar enough with the older readers/viewers of the books/shows. I've also heard that Sam Raimi wants to use as little CGI as possible on other things to save it all for Spidey...mind you if this one does $400 Mil I'm sure his budget for 3 will be even more than the $200 Mil he had to do this one. Also, wouldn't they have snuck a scene with Eddie Brock to foreshadow Venom if he was coming? (Like they've done with Connors.)

'Nuff said

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Just make sure that the disturbing mole on her eyebrow didn't fall in the batter. Sorry I guess that's mean, I'm shallow like that. :rolleyes:

When I saw the mole I thought of the guy in Austin Powers with the BIG mole on his face.

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I also liked it but I think something weird happened during mine, or maybe nobody else just noticed. I went on the 1200am showing tuesday, and from what i remember there seemed to be a problem with it. First, it showed parker/may in the bank and dock ock attacks, and gets money....then the daily bugle spun up and said "spidey and dock ock rob bank"...then dock ock showed his demonstration w/the arms and the sun....then it went beserk...then they showed jameson saying "we need a name for this creep, lets call him dock ock"...but all the naming and craziness happened after the bank scene...so what the hell happened? did this happen to everyone or did i just have a bunk film roll? I don't get it at all.....

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did this happen to everyone or did i just have a bunk film roll? I don't get it at all.....

Sounds like they got the rolls mixed up! :ph34r: Sounds like they switched two different rolls.. it was supposed to have the demonstration first, then the robbery, then May getting kidnapped/fight, then the headlines and Jameson making the name for him... wow that's screwed up!

Anyhoo.. I've just heard that the two villains for 3 are going to be *drumroll* man-wolf and VENOM. This came as a shock to me because they already have 3 possibles for the next movie.

in other marvel movies.. a buddy of mine went to high school with and is good friends with one of the guys that wrote the x-men movies (x-men, X2 and now X3). I guess they're going to jump right into the Dark Phoenix saga for those that are interested.

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Pheonix? WHen they are in space? Wow, that was so boring. I couldnt stand watching it, Thats when I stopped watching x-men for.. How long did that pheonix thing last? 10 years?

well.. maybe not that long...

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Pheonix? WHen they are in space? Wow, that was so boring. I couldnt stand watching it, Thats when I stopped watching x-men for.. How long did that pheonix thing last? 10 years?

It won't have the entire saga (space stuff and all that), it will be a different version. My guess is they're going to cut out all of the crazy hoo-ha and cut right to the chase past the Hellfire club and all that. :)

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