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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shops that sell pro stuff..

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Thanks mack, there is now water/snot in my keyboard.

greatone: prostuff.com :angry:

Heres a few links for you.

http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=pro+stock+hockey <--- Might be a good idea to learn how to use google.. it will save you a few flames on ANY forum.



Jesus Christ, are all of you on the forum nazi trip now? I wasn't the original poster and the :angry: was supposed to be funny.

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Jesus Christ, are all of you on the forum nazi trip now? I wasn't the original poster and the :angry: was supposed to be funny.

Anybody who isn't bright enough to search google for as something as simple as prostock deserves more than a few flames. In fact, if I were standing behind the original poster and watched him type that out, I would bitchslap him across the back of the head :angry:

Is that better? I had the : angry : symbol there.

ADDED: And I prefer to be called republican. "Nazi" has lost its edge ever since GW Bush took office.

:angry: <---- added for good measure in case the first wasn't enough to secure that this post has hints of sarcasm.

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Thanks mack, there is now water/snot in my keyboard.

greatone: prostuff.com :angry:

Heres a few links for you.

http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=pro+stock+hockey <--- Might be a good idea to learn how to use google.. it will save you a few flames on ANY forum.



Jesus Christ, are all of you on the forum nazi trip now? I wasn't the original poster and the :angry: was supposed to be funny.

Anybody who isn't bright enough to search google for as something as simple as prostock deserves more than a few flames. In fact, if I were standing behind the original poster and watched him type that out, I would bitchslap him across the back of the head :angry:

Is that better? I had the : angry : symbol there.

And I prefer to be called republican.

My irritation is not over the flames for the original poster, but that you decided to make your pithy reply while quoting me and not him. My reply was supposed to be tongue-in-cheek, not serious as it appears to have been taken.

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Sadly there is no "middle finger" icon.

I am now withdrawing from this "discussion" as it only contributes to the noise level around here.

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